Grey skirt/pinafore/trousers/shorts Red polo shirt Red sweatshirt/cardigan/jumper Red/grey tights or black/grey/white socks Red checked dress - summer term (optional) Fleeces are an optional extra for use as outside jackets Waterproof jacket and trousers (to be kept in school) Wellies (to be kept in school)
Please ensure that hair accessories are simple and appropriate for school and preferably red, white or black.
PE Kit
Red polo t-shirt Black shorts Black tracksuit bottoms Red school jumper/cardigan/sweatshirt Black Plimsolls or trainers
Black shoes or smart trainers are expected. Low heels are appropriate for life in school (Doctors advise that high-heeled shoes cause damage to growing feet). During the summer months we advise that the children should not wear open-toed sandals/shoes due to the possibility of accidents.
Only stud earrings are permitted (these should be taped over during PE), and a basic analogue or digital watch.
For health and safety and safeguarding reasons, please do not send your children into school with SMART watches, hooped earrings, bracelets or necklaces.
There is no requirement to wear uniform with the school logo on it and suitably coloured garments from chain stores and supermarkets are fine