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Kindness, Respect, Community, Curiosity, Independence


Mrs Charlotte Brain is our Inclusion Manager.

I work with children and staff across the school to identify needs, ensure that pupils are supported where necessary and that these interventions are effective. If you have any concerns about your child please speak to their class teacher. If you are still concerned then please make an appointment with me via the school office on 01342 322905 of by email to

In this section you will find information on Special educational Needs and information for parents/carers to support their child. You will also find information about the West Sussex Local Offer.


Mrs Ody is our Inclusion Mentor.
I work with children across the school, as well as closely with, the Inclusion Manager, all staff and Parents / Carers.
My job is multi rolled to support the following;

- I am the Transition Lead and in this job role I support, transition across the school, internally daily and externally into Secondary. Please see the Transition section, under Inclusion for more details.
- I am the school Learning Mentor and in this job role I support children with any form of barrier to their learning. This may include, attainment, attendance/transition, anxiety, peer relationships and mental health.
- Family Liaison and in this job role, I support families with attendance, working closely with the EWO ( Education Welfare Officer ) as well as other forms of family support, where I liaise with various outside agencies. Please contact me if you have specific queries.
- I am trained as a Mental Health First Aid Lead, an ELSA and in Drawing and Talking Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Thinking as well Therapeutic Thinking which is part of our school Behaviour Policy. I also have training in other fields such as Bereavement.
- I am part of the school’s Safeguarding Team.

I am always happy to have a conversation with you either on the phone or electronically and may be contacted either by telephone on 01342 322905 or by email on
My working hours are Monday to Friday, 0830 - 1530, term time.



EAL (English as an additional language)
