Subject Leads - Sarah Sullivan and Paul Tippett
The Meads Curriculum intent for R.E. is based on the West Sussex model and is to:
- Develop children’s spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness.
- Support children’s mental well-being and prepare them for a rapidly- changing world.
- Engage children in deep enquiry into the questions posed by world religions.
- Help to develop the understanding and skills needed to articulate children’s own responses and appreciate and appraise those of others.
The Meads Curriculum intent for Geography is to:
- Stimulate the children’s interest in and curiosity about their surroundings.
- Encourage children to make sense of their community through a wide range of opportunities.
- Help children acquire specific skills that advance their geographical understanding.
- Differentiate the processes that give rise to key physical and human geographical features of the world.
- Encourage a sense of responsibility for the environment.
- Enable children to become global citizens by developing a sense of place and identity.
The Meads Curriculum intent for History is to:
- Provide opportunities that stimulate children’s curiosity to know more about the past.
- Help children to appreciate history in a chronological context.
- Develop a sound grasp of historical facts.
- Grow a coherent contextual knowledge of Britain’s past and that of the wider world.
- Encourage critical thinking about the past.
- Enrich children’s vocabulary to support their understanding of the past.